Enter your destination, date of stay, number of guests, and rooms.
On the search results page, choose hotel with Pay at Hotel label. You can also use ‘Payment Method’ filter and click ‘Pay at Hotel’ option to find hotels with Pay at Hotel method.
Not all rooms are available for Pay at Hotel option. Choose a room with Pay at Hotel label to make your booking. Click “Select” to continue the process.
Complete the guest data and check whether the hotel details and selected rooms are correct.
To finalize the booking with “Pay at Hotel” option, you need to input your credit card details on the payment form. No credit card fees are charged for bookings. However, if guests are not present during the stay period, the registered credit card will be charged according to the policy applies by the accommodation.
For “Pay at Hotel - No credit card required” payment method, you don’t need to input your credit card details. You will be redirected to the booking page when your reservation is done.
The e-voucher will be sent to your e-mail shortly. To check-in, you only need to present the hotel voucher from tiket.com to the hotel’s front desk. Then pay the total amount to the hotel by cash, debit card, or credit card.
The "My Order" menu can be found in the bottom panel of tiket.com app.
You can see the list of hotel reservations that are still active in My Order menu. Then choose the order you want to cancel.
Cancel your order by clicking on “Cancel Order” button from the order details page or through the 'three dots’ button on the top right of the active order list on My Order page.
Before cancelling your hotel booking, see the cancellation policy applied by the hotel. If fees apply, then you can see the amount that will be charged to the registered credit card and the fee will be withdrawn by the hotel.
Meanwhile, if you cancel "Pay at Hotel" booking, then the order cancellation will not be charged. If you are sure to cancel the order, you can press the "Cancel Order" button.
After the cancellation is confirmed, you will be redirected to the order details page with the order status change into “Canceled”. If you see the status has changed, then your hotel reservation is successfully canceled.
1. What are the benefits of booking a room with Pay at Hotel option?
With Pay at Hotel method, you can make hotel reservation without having to pay immediately. In addition, if you want to cancel the order, you can cancel it anytime without submitting a refund request. Order cancellation will not be charged any fees if the reservation is made without a credit card. However, customers have to know that cancellation policy may vary depending on each accommodation policy stated on the booking page.
2. Can I use a promo code for Pay at Hotel reservation?
Any promo code or voucher cannot be used when making room bookings with Pay at Hotel option.
3. If I book a room with Pay at Hotel option, will I get the TIX Points?
No. You will not receive TIX Points for room reservation with Pay at Hotel option.
4. Does the name on the credit card used to make the reservation have to be the same as the guest's name at the time of booking?
No. The name stated on the credit card used does not have to be the same as the registered guest. However, it is very important for the cardholder to know that his/her credit card is used as a booking guarantee.
5. Are there any fees charged to the credit card during the booking process?
No. The registered credit card will not be charged with any fees when making a reservation. You can pay the full amount of your reservation directly upon check-in at the hotel.
6. Can I cancel Pay at Hotel reservation?
Yes, you can. If you book a room and choose Pay at Hotel (no credit card required) option, you will not be charged for cancellation. However, if you book a room and select Pay at Hotel option, you may be charged for cancellation fees according to the cancellation policy of each accommodation.
7. How to cancel Pay at Hotel reservation?
You can cancel Pay at Hotel reservation through My Order menu on tiket.com application. Select detail, then click on “Cancel Order”. Please make sure to read the cancellation policy before canceling the order.
8. I have booked a room with Pay at Hotel option and want to cancel my order. If I have to pay a cancellation fee, how to make a payment?
The payment of cancellation fees will automatically deduct the credit card limit that you use when booking and will be made by the accommodation. To avoid fees that may arise, make sure you have read the cancellation policy stated during booking.
9. When check-in at the hotel, I don’t bring the credit card used when booking. Is that okay?
No problem, unless you want to make a payment at the hotel with the credit card. You can also pay by cash, debit card, or other credit card accepted by the accommodation.
10. Can I pay by cash at the hotel?
Each accommodation accepts a different payment method. You can make payment while checking-in according to the payment methods accepted by the accommodation.
11. I have made a payment, but my credit card is still charged by the accommodation. What should I do?
If there are accidentally incur any additional charges, please contact tiket.com Customer Care via Email (cs@tiket.com), Whatsapp (0804 1500 878), or Call Center (+6221 3937 0888).
12. What happens if I don’t come to the accommodation during the period of stay?
If you book a room with ‘Pay at Hotel (no credit card required)’ option, then there will be no cancellation fees. However, if you will not come during the period of stay, we suggest you cancel the order several days before. Meanwhile, for reservation with ‘Pay at Hotel’ option, you may be charged with cancellation fees according to cancellation policy of each accommodation. Make sure to read the policy stated when making a reservation.
13. Is Pay at Hotel method available in domestic and international accommodation?
Yes. Pay at Hotel option is available in various domestic and international accommodations.