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To Do 100% Refund from

Have a sudden change of plan and need to cancel your ticket? No need to worry, with To Do 100% Refund from, you can request a refund for any reason up to 1 day before your visit date!

How to Get To Do 100% Refund from

To Do 100% Refund Terms & Conditions

  1. The refund policy for each product may be different, check the refund policy in the package details to find out the deadline for requesting a 100% Refund.
  2. Although this is a rare case, the cancellation request period policy and its details may change according to the policies of each To Do partner. You are advised to read the terms and conditions regarding the selected To Do cancellation policy before purchasing.
  3. Your booking will not be refundable if you submit the refund request after the deadline stated on each product.
  4. The final refund amount will not include service charges, promo vouchers, and/or bank transfer unique codes.
  5. To cancel your booking and request a refund, please go to Your Orders page. In the Order Details, tap the "Refund" button and follow the submission procedure.
  6. The refund amount does not include the bank processing fee. We will process your refund once you have followed all the required steps.

To Do 100% Refund General Info

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To Do 100% Refund Insurance

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